
Scott A. Walter: Lectures

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No. Date Title Venue
154 2024-07-09 Closed theories in physics: from Poincaré and Hilbert to Heisenberg Symposium "Neo-Kantians and scientific revolutions: ruptures and continuities within the neo-Kantian tradition (1860-1940)", HOPOS 2024, 15th Biennial Congress, University of Vienna, Vienna
153 2024-06-20 The prehistory, discovery and early impact of Hermann Minkowski's electrodynamics of moving media and spacetime in Göttingen and Paris International Scientific Conference Dedicated to the 160th Anniversary of Prof. Dr. Hermann Minkowski, Kaunas University of Technology and Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Kaunas
152 2022-07-06 Henri Poincaré's discipline of stellar dynamics: star streams and `la jeunesse des étoiles' Poincaré 2022, Archives Henri Poincaré, Nancy
151 2022-05-17 The epistemic power of closed theories Fourth Franco-Mexican Advanced Seminar in the History and Philosophy of Science, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City
150 2022-04-29 Models as epistemic markers, from Descartes to Poincaré Journées doctorales, IMN Jean Rouxel, Nantes
149 2021-11-19 Solving the triode: the Appleton--van der Pol collaboration F29: Making and modeling wireless waves, from Hertz to Andronov, Society for the History of Technology--History of Science Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans
148 2021-07-26 Stars as molecules: Poincaré and von Zeipel on globular clusters and the structure of the Milky Way Symposium 21: Expanding the range of statistical mechanics, from Poincaré and von Zeipel to Smoluchowski and Fowler, 26th International Congress of History of Science and Technology, Prague
147 2021-02-05 Stability of spiral nebulae and the origins of modern cosmology Observing, sensing, detecting: toward a multi-layered picture of the universe from historical and epistemological perspectives, Italian Society for the History of Physics and Astronomy, Naples
146 2020-12-18 Response to David Hyder, "The modality of economic science" Panel 10: Philosophy of Economics and Heterodox Economics, International Colloquium "The Positive and the Normative in Economic Thought", University of Paris, Paris
145 2020-12-15 Describing and understanding the world in the long nineteenth century History of Mathematics: A Global Cultural Approach, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Oberwolfach
144 2019-12-10 Statistical mechanics and the rise of relativistic cosmology Empirical space, conceptual space, University of Nantes, Nantes
143 2019-07-26 Stargas models of the universe and the rise of statistical astronomy Cosmic Stories: Astrophysics and the Invention of Cosmology in the Early 20th Century, History of Science Society Annual Meeting, Utrecht
142 2019-05-27 Eddington's approach to star-streams and the structure of the universe Eddington Centennial, IPC/Paris Observatory, Paris
141 2018-06-22 Van der Pol and the Van der Pol equation Mathematics and mathematization of physical theory: historical and conceptual aspects, Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Mainz
140 2018-05-11 Mathematization of cosmology from Kelvin to Einstein 31e Séminaire national d'histoire des mathématiques, Escola Superior de Educação de Viseu, Viseu
139 2017-11-30 L'épistémologie et l'histoire des sciences et des techniques vues par les robots Séminaire du Centre François Viète (site de Brest), Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest
138 2017-11-28 Le destin cosmique d'après Poincaré et Jeans Séminaire SPHERE, Histoire et philosophie de la physique, Université Paris Diderot, Paris
137 2017-11-12 Mathematics and the wireless world Session "Between utility and discipline in interwar physics", History of Science Society Annual Meeting, Toronto
136 2017-11-02 Star streams and collisions: the evolution of the universe in early 20th-century cosmology Theorizing the End of the World, 3rd International Atlantys Colloquium, Nantes
135 2017-07-23 Clock transport, Hertzian waves, and the reality of time dilation Symposium: The history of measurement, definition and uses of time in science and technology, 25th International Congress of History of Science and Technology, Rio de Janeiro
134 2017-03-30 Electron theory, ether, and spacetime, 1904-1919 Ether and modernity, University of the Basque Country, San Sebastian
133 2017-01-24 A scholarly online edition of scientific manuscripts: The Henri Poincaré Papers website Abteilung für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaft und Technik, Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart
132 2016-12-09 The theory of wireless devices, 1906-1922 Interactions of interwar physics workshop, Central European University, Budapest
131 2016-11-22 Historical approaches to early wireless technology (1906-1929) History Colloquium, National Museum of American History, Washington DC
130 2016-10-14 La sémantisation des objets qui nous échappent: un survol des problématiques Sémantisation des objets qui nous échappent, Université de Nantes, Nantes
129 2016-08-27 Digital projects in French EHST d|HPS consortium Annual Meeting, University of Oklahoma, Norman
128 2016-05-20 Science and technology in Göttingen's golden era: the first Wolfskehl lectures A richer picture of mathematics: a symposium in honor of Professor David Rowe, Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Mainz
127 2015-11-23 Poincaré on clocks and radio waves in the ether Session Sa4, New perspectives on the ether in early twentieth-century physics and art, Annual Meeting, History of Science Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco
126 2015-11-12 Les modèles de la structure de l'univers vers 1915 Colloque Cathy Dufour 2015, La relativité générale a 100 ans et alors?, Université de Lorraine, Nancy
125 2015-11-04 Les voyages d'Alfred Robb : de l'effet Zeeman à la géométrie optique du mouvement Séminaire "Histoire de la lumière", SPHERE--GDHSO--CAPHES, Paris
124 2015-10-28 Mathematical models of the Milky Way, from Kelvin and Kapteyn to Poincaré, Jeans and Einstein Workshop on models and visualization in the mathematical and physical sciences, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Oberwolfach
123 2015-10-20 Modèles mathématiques de la Voie lactée, de Kelvin et Kapteyn à Poincaré et Jeans Séminaire d'histoire des mathématiques du Laboratoire de Mathématiques Jean Leray, Université de Nantes, Nantes
122 2015-10-12 Scientist-engineers, electron theory, and early wireless technology Interactions of Interwar Physics: Technology, Instruments and Other Sciences, Cohn Institute, University of Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv
121 2015-09-15 Sciences et techniques à l'époque postmoderne : l'histoire de la télégraphie sans fil Séminaire du Centre François Viète, Université de Nantes, Nantes
120 2015-07-06 Radio telemetry and the birth of spacetime conventionalism Fourth Physics and Philosophy Conference, University of Split, Split
119 2015-06-17 L'ordre rationnel contre l'ordre logique au début du XXe siècle : Poincaré lecteur de Cournot Journées d'étude "La transversalité de la notion d’ordre au XIXe siècle : Sciences, philosophie et art", Université de Nantes, Nantes
118 2015-01-27 Essaims d'étoiles et masses gazeuses : Le chemin de Poincaré vers la théorie ergodique Séminaire du Centre François Viète, Université de Nantes, Nantes
117 2014-11-19 Star-streams and the mixing problem: Probabilistic methods in early 20th-century cosmology 25th Novembertagung in History of Mathematics, Université de Lorraine, Nancy
116 2014-09-05 Modeling the space of mathematical invention with the online edition of Poincaré's papers Symposium on Mathematical correspondences and critical editions, 6th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, Lisbon
115 2014-09-03 Scholarly annotation with LaTeXML Annual meeting, Digital HPS Consortium, Université de Lorraine, Nancy
114 2014-05-07 Poincaré on clocks in motion Arbeitsgruppe Geschichte der Mathematik und der Naturwissenschaften, Fachbereich 08 Physik, Mathematik und Informatik, J.-Gutenburg-Universität Mainz, Mainz
113 2013-11-29 L'édition critique en ligne : des pratiques en évolution Usages des sources numériques en histoire des sciences et des techniques, Cité des sciences et de l'industrie, Paris
112 2013-11-23 Poincaré's probabilistic approach to planetary physics and cosmology Interrogating the cosmos with mathematical imaginings and physical intuitions, 1880-1965: Bridging disciplinary and cultural divides, History of Science Society Annual Meeting, Boston
111 2013-09-07 Digital HPS in France: An overview d|HPS Consortium Annual Meeting, Indiana University, Bloomington
110 2013-07-22 Poincaré's triple-dip cone: relativity, geodesics, and wireless technology at the World's Fair in Saint Louis Symposium 107, Poincaré's Méthodes nouvelles de la mécanique céleste in historical context: bridging the frontiers of knowledge in mathematics, astronomy and wireless technology, 1892-1914, 24th International Congress of History of Science, Technology and Medicine, Manchester
109 2013-06-14 Poincaré's lectures on the new mechanics: from St. Louis (1904) to Göttingen (1909) Colloquium on the history of modern mathematics and theoretical physics, Fachbereich 08 Physik, Mathematik und Informatik, J.-Gutenburg-Universität Mainz, Mainz
108 2013-05-28 Unity of knowledge and crisis in mathematical physics: Poincaré at the World's Fair in Saint-Louis History Colloquium, National Museum of American History, Washington DC
107 2012-11-30 Relativity in France: from Langevin to Poincaré, and back Colóquios do MAP, Instituto de Matemática e Estatística, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo
106 2012-11-28 Poincare, Hertz, and Hertzian waves Colóquio comemorativo do Centenário da Morte de Henri Poincaré, Instituto nacional de matémática pura e aplicada, Rio di Janeiro
105 2012-11-15 Poincaré, Langevin, et le groupe de Lorentz Séminaire "Science et Société", IUT Nancy-Charlemagne, Université de Lorraine, Nancy
104 2012-07-03 Intuition and axiomatics in early 20th-century physics Project "The physics of principles", Centro de Filosofia das Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon
103 2012-05-19 Poincaré's discovery of the Lorentz Group and its upshot for twentieth-century physics Poincaré Meeting, London Mathematical Society, London
102 2012-05-02 Que serait Henri Poincaré sans les archives ? Séminaire des Archives Henri Poincaré, LHPS--Archives Poincaré (CNRS, UMR 7117), Nancy
101 2012-04-10 The discovery of the Lorentz group and its interpretation by Poincaré and Einstein Conceptual History of Mathematics, Universidade de São Paulo, Ubatuba
100 2012-04-09 The sources of Alfred A. Robb's Optical Geometry Conceptual History of Mathematics, Universidade de São Paulo, Ubatuba
99 2012-03-30 La découverte du groupe de Lorentz par Poincaré et ses conséquences en physique théorique Séminaire d'histoire des mathématiques, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
98 2012-01-05 Le physicien parfait selon Henri Poincaré Colloque : Vers une biographie de Henri Poincaré, Maison des sciences de l'homme lorraine, Nancy
97 2011-11-15 Le corpus électronique Henri Poincaré et ses enjeux Séminaire "Le goût de l", Observatoire de Paris - SYRTE (CNRS/UPMC), Paris
96 2011-11-08 Relativity and the true shape of lightwaves from Einstein to Schlick HPS colloquium. Reilly Center, University of Notre Dame, South Bend
95 2011-11-05 Relativity in Cambridge dynamics: the sources of A. A. Robb's Optical Geometry of Motion Session "How physicists learned to love abstraction, from Helmholtz and Poincaré to Robb, Planck, and Einstein", History of Science Society Annual Meeting, Cleveland
94 2011-07-19 Beyond Poincaré and Einstein: A. A. Robb's theory of space and time 14th Congress on Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, B3, Historical Aspects in the Philosophy of Science, International Council for Science, DLMPS, Nancy
93 2011-04-14 Henri Poincaré Edition Project HPS Digital Editions Workshop, Einstein Papers Project (Caltech) and Embryo Project (ASU), Pasadena
92 2011-01-27 Poincaré and Einstein on lightwaves and the foundation of spacetime physics Colloquium "Poincaré, philosopher of science: problems and perspectives", Centro de Filosofia das Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon
91 2010-12-10 Light-figures as heuristic devices in the early history of relativity Workshop "Heuristics in physics", Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, FV Geschichte, Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef
90 2010-11-18 Scientific correspondance in Belle-Epoque Paris: Henri Poincaré and friends Session "Scientific Correspondence", 4th European Society for the History of Science Annual Meeting, Barcelona
89 2010-06-17 Le projet Poincaré : un survol Maison des sciences de l'homme lorraine, Nancy
88 2010-05-29 German relativity in Belle-Epoque Paris Colloquium: Poincaré, Hilbert, and the Foundations of Physics, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Mainz
87 2010-03-26 L'espace-temps conventionnel et l'atome du temps chez Poincaré Colloque "Espace et temps", Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy
86 2010-03-23 Theoretical physics and relativity in Paris during the Belle Époque Colloquium "Mathematics meets physics: local and global aspects", Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig
85 2010-03-04 Discipline and style in relativity theory, 1905-1915 Workshop "Disciplines and styles in pure mathematics, 1800-2000", Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
84 2009-11-21 Conventionalism in practice: Einstein and Poincaré on the shape of lightwaves Session "Scientific Conventionalism in Third-Republic France", History of Science Society Annual Meeting, Phoenix
83 2009-09-26 Moritz Schlick's reading of Poincaré's theory of relativity 2. Internationales Moritz-Schlick-Symposion, Ursprünge und Entwicklung seines Denkens, Institut für Philosophie, Universität Rostock, Rostock
82 2009-08-28 Geometrical methods in relativity from Poincaré to Minkowski Colloque franco-brésilien, Formes - algèbres - géométries, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
81 2009-08-24 La lecture des étoiles : les lettres d'Henri Poincaré en mécanique céleste Journée Poincaré, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
80 2009-08-01 Henri Poincaré's approach to astronomy Session: Interactions between mathematics and the natural sciences: scientific realities and social representations (1750-1950), 23rd ICHST, Budapest
79 2009-05-25 Henri Poincaré's scientific outlook Department of mathematical sciences, Agder University, Kristiansand
78 2009-03-13 Les premiers modèles de la cinématique relativiste Colloque: Images et diagrammes scientifiques, Université Henri Poincaré, Vandoeuvre
77 2009-03-06 Présentation du Tome 3 de la Correspondance de Henri Poincaré Journée d'études "Poincaré et l'astronomie" du séminaire d'histoire des mathématiques, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
76 2009-03-06 Y a-t-il une histoire sociale des mathématiques de Poincaré ? Journée d'études "Poincaré et l'astronomie" du séminaire d'histoire des mathématiques, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
75 2009-01-26 Les origines de la cinématique relativiste Colloque "Histoire des mathématiques (physique mathématique et géométrie)", Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Cergy-Pontoise
74 2009-01-22 Hermann Minkowski's approach to relativity Graduiertenkolleg "Mathematische Strukturen in der modernen Quantenphysik", Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen
73 2009-01-21 The prehistory of Thomas precession in relativistic kinematics Quantum history project, Max Planck Institute for the history of science, Berlin
72 2009-01-12 Hermann Minkowski and theoretical physics in Göttingen Mathematics at the Turn of the 20th Century: Explorations and Beyond, Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna
71 2008-11-07 Cambridge dynamics and German relativity, 1907-1915 Session "Divergent struggles in the evolution of relativity", joint annual meeting of the History of Science Society and the Philosophy of Science Association, Pittsburgh
70 2008-09-22 How did Minkowski discover spacetime? International conference "Beyond Einstein: historical perspectives on geometry, gravitation, and cosmology in the twentieth century", Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
69 2008-09-11 The scandal of spacetime Space and Time 100 Years after Minkowski, 414th WE-Heraeus-Seminar, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Bad Honnef
68 2008-06-19 Cinématiques et diagrammes relativistes au début du XXe siècle Séminaire du LUTH, Observatoire de Paris, Meudon
67 2008-05-28 It's only a model: Spacetime geometry in the transition from Galilean to relativistic kinematics History of mathematics in the early 20th century: the role of transition, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
66 2008-04-11 Minkowski et le scandale de l'espace-temps Séminaire Riemann, ENS-Ulm, Paris
65 2008-01-16 Hermann Minkowski and the scandal of spacetime Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna
64 2007-11-06 Hermann Minkowski et le scandale de l'espace-temps Séminaire d'histoire des sciences de l'Association algérienne de physique, Université des sciences et de la technologie Houari Boumediène, Alger
63 2007-11-03 The scandal of spacetime Session: Beyond Einstein-contextualizing the theory of relativity, History of Science Society annual meeting, Arlington, VA
62 2007-09-25 Electronic editions of scientific manuscripts: an overview Workshop "Editing scientific manuscripts", Université de Nancy, Nancy
61 2007-09-18 La correspondance d'Henri Poincaré en-ligne : enjeux pour l'historien des sciences Journée d'études ``Usages des sources numériques en histoire des sciences et des techniques,'' Cité des sciences et de l'industrie, Paris
60 2007-07-17 Poincaré's electrodynamics from Maxwell to Minkowski Oberseminar Geschichte der Mathematik, Institut für Mathematik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz
59 2007-05-24 Poincaré's brief for Galilei spacetime Institute for History and Foundations of Science, Universiteit Utrecht
58 2007-04-18 "Die dreidimensionale Geometrie wird ein Kapitel der vierdimensionalen Physik": Minkowski and the temptation of geometry Colloque "Qu'est-ce que la géométrie aux époques modernes et contemporaines ?", Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques, Luminy
57 2006-11-09 From space to spacetime: convention and relativity in Poincaré's physics Philosophy seminar, University of Washington
56 2006-11-03 Henri Poincaré's correspondence with physicists, chemists, and engineers Session "Scientific Correspondence", History of Science Society Annual Meeting, Vancouver
55 2006-05-11 La géométrisation en relativité restreinte Séminaire CPER Rhône-Alpes, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Grenoble
54 2006-04-19 Henri Poincaré online: a concrete example of virtual archives International conference "Future Proof III Scientific Archives", Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg
53 2005-12-13 Who's a conventionalist? Poincaré's correspondence with physicists Mathematics in the physical sciences, 1650-2000, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Oberwolfach
52 2005-10-29 Géométrie et relativité selon Poincaré et Einstein (1905--1921) Colloque "Le réalisme en physique", Université de Caen, Caen
51 2005-10-19 Poincaré in a heated sphere Workshop "Philosophy of space and time at the end of the 19th century", Universität Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Rauischholzhausen
50 2005-08-30 The cash value of conventionalism: Henri Poincaré on geometry and physical relativity International workshop "History of modern and contemporary geometry", Centre international de recherches mathématiques, Luminy
49 2005-07-25 Space, time, gravitation, and spacetime from Poincaré to Einstein 22d International Congress on the History of Science, Beijing
48 2005-07-07 The making of "It's all relative, Professor Poincaré" Scientific meeting "Discovery, Creativity and Innovation: Einstein", Universität Bern, Bern
47 2005-06-15 The positive value of conventionalism: Poincaré's principle of physical relativity Oberseminar Geschichte der Mathematik, Fachbereich Physik, Mathematik und Informatik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz
46 2005-02-24 Sharpening hypotheses: vectors in the history of special relativity International meeting on the significance of the hypothetical in the natural sciences, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Tübingen
45 2004-11-23 Science et hypothèse en relativité : le rôle du langage formel Cycle d'histoire des sciences, Université de Rouen, Rouen
44 2004-10-16 Henri Poincaré du Lycée de Nancy à l'Académie Française Société d'histoire de Nancy, MJC Lillebonne, Nancy
43 2004-06-25 Comment on F. Steinle's paper International congress ``Rethinking the comparative evaluation of scientific theories,'' Université Nancy 2, Nancy
42 2004-05-22 Poincaré's physical rehabilitation of mathematics Henri Poincaré: 150th anniversary commemoration, Open University, Milton Keynes
41 2004-04-30 La réhabilitation des mathématiques en physique : Henri Poincaré et la relativité Colloque "150 ans Henri Poincaré", Société française de physique, Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy
40 2003-12-16 Poincaré et la géométrie de l'espace physique Centre François Viète, Université de Nantes, Nantes
39 2003-07-03 National and professional traditions in relativity: the case of Minkowskian relativity Workshop on Poincaré and topology, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach
38 2003-07-02 Poincaré's scientific correspondence Workshop on Poincaré and topology, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach
37 2003-02-26 Autour des archives anciennes de Bourbaki, table ronde : Mathématiques en ligne, conception et utilisation (avec L.~Guillopé et D.~Frydman) Séminaire d'histoire des mathématiques de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
36 2002-12-18 Poincaré en ligne : l'édition électronique de sa correspondance Il y a 100 ans, La Science et l'Hypothèse, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
35 2002-06-29 Lessons of Lorentz-covariant gravitation theory, 1905--1910 6th International Congress on the History of General Relativity, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam
34 2002-06-10 Gravitation et relativité, 1900--1915 Séminaire doctoral du LORIA, Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy
33 2002-04-24 Leçons de la gravitation relativiste, 1905--1910 Séminaire du D.E.A. de philosophie "Objets lointains", Université Lille 3, Lille
32 2002-04-16 Poincaré et les physiciens 127e congrès national des sociétés historiques et scientifiques, Nancy
31 2001-07-20 Triumph of the hyperminkowskian: 4-vectors and gravitation, 1905--1910 History of Mathematics, Joint meeting of the Société Mathématique de France and the American Mathematical Society, Lyon
30 2001-06-25 Relativity and gravitation, 1905-1910 Philosophy of science seminar, Technische Universität, Berlin
29 2001-04-24 Le sens de la méthode Séminaire REHSEIS d'histoire de la physique, Université Paris 7
28 2001-03-07 Le temps en relativité restreinte Cycle de conférences sur le temps, Goethe Institut, Nancy
27 2001-01-10 Hermann Minkowski et son monde : mathématiciens et relativité, 1905--1915 Journée d'études sur Hermann Minkowski, Séminaire d'histoire des mathématiques de l'Université Paris 6, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
26 2000-06-30 The meaning of method: Poincaré vs. Minkowski on the relativistic law of gravitation History of Mathematics Seminar "Heidelberg-Nancy-Strasbourg", Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg
25 2000-05-15 Sources and methods in the history of relativity Workshop on Mathematics and Physics: 1900--1930, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach
24 2000-02-01 Breaking in the 4-vectors:On the emergence of 4-dimensional electrodynamics and gravitation Workshop on the History of the Mathematics of the 20th Century, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach
23 1999-10-13 Une révolution scientifique ? : recherches récentes sur la théorie de la relativité restreinte Centre François Viète, Université de Nantes, Nantes
22 1999-07-11 The non-Euclidean style of Minkowskian relativity 5th International Congress on the History of General Relativity, University of Notre Dame, South Bend
21 1998-05-27 Crisis in disciplinary identity : The case of relativity theory Oberseminar, Fachbereich Mathematik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz
20 1998-05-04 The role of discipline in the reception of relativity theory Polytechnic University, Brooklyn
19 1998-04-30 Discipline in relativity theory Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin
18 1997-06-04 La solution de Kaluza au paradoxe d'Ehrenfest Journées d'étude "Dimension, dimensions", Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris
17 1996-06-13 Le style de Paul Langevin en physique relativiste Colloque Paul Langevin, École supérieure de physique et de chimie industriellesde la ville de Paris, Paris
16 1996-04-24 Des formes cinématiques aux formes géométriques : une histoire sociale de la géométrisation de la théorie de la relativité Cycle de conférences "Einstein", École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne
15 1996-03-18 Early non-Euclidean interpretations of the special theory of relativity Conference and workshop "Physics and geometry, 1900--1930", Open University, Milton Keynes
14 1996-03-15 Physical geometry in Göttingen from Riemann to Hilbert Conference and workshop "Physics and geometry, 1900--1930", Open University, Milton Keynes
13 1996-03-11 Relativity without physics: Hermann Minkowski's 1908 lecture on space and time Seminar in the history and philosophy of science, University College London
12 1996-02-12 L'adaptation de la relativité restreinte à la géométrie non-euclidienne, 1907--1915 Séminaire "Histoires de géométries", École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris
11 1996-02-10 La géométrie est-elle une science expérimentale ? : la polémique entre les mathématiciens de Göttingen et Henri Poincaré History of Mathematics Seminar "Heidelberg-Nancy-Strasbourg", Université Nancy 2, Nancy
10 1996-02-02 Des mondes différents : l'interprétation géométrique de la Relativité restreinte à travers les disciplines Séminaire conjoint REHSEIS-UPR 21 d'histoire, philosophie et fondements de la physique, Université Paris 7
9 1995-08-02 Minkowski, mathematicians, and the mathematical theory of relativity 4th International Conference on the History of General Relativity, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin
8 1995-03-21 Minkowski et son monde : mathématiciens et relativité, 1905--1909 Séminaire REHSEIS d'épistémologie et histoire de la physique, Université Paris 7, Paris
7 1995-02-17 Henri Poincaré élève de physique à l'École polytechnique, 1873--1875 Séminaire du LUTH, Observatoire de Meudon, Meudon
6 1994-06-28 La physique théorique en France, 1900--1930 Journée d'études REHSEIS, CNRS/Université Paris 7, Orsay
5 1994-05-18 Henri Poincaré's student notebooks, 1870--1878 Henri Poincaré Congress, Université Nancy 2, Nancy
4 1994-03-15 Le cours de physique à l'École polytechnique en 1874 et son influence sur Henri Poincaré Séminaire REHSEIS d'épistémologie et histoire de la physique, Université Paris 7, Paris
3 1994-01-11 Henri Poincaré et la géométrie non-euclidienne, 1880--1912 Séminaire REHSEIS d'histoire des mathématiques, Université Paris 7, Paris
2 1993-06-24 Henri Poincaré et le principe de relativité : la quatrième dimension Séminaire de mathématiques, Université Claude Bernard (Lyon II), Lyon
1 1993-06-17 Henri Poincaré et le principe de relativité Journée d'études REHSEIS, Université Paris 11, Orsay

   Edité le 2024-03-07 13:51:24 +0000